林富男《異流油畫》 自序:用美充實生命

2014年09月27日 中國評論新聞


    中評社高雄9月27日電(作者 林富男)土木算結構,材料重科學(方式),企管講分工,社會說倫理,政治談公義;這是作者一路走來的學程,至於提筆彩繪人生看似偶然,但也難謂必然。習藝的過程,完全放空自我,而廣納各派別繪畫理論,察納諸大師雅言,秉持土木工程力學的基礎,建構圖面穩定與張力,以材料科學應用原理,將傳統油畫原料結合現代奈米礦材,轉化成異於固有繪畫材料,彩繪出烱異於傳統油畫的生命,再酌以企業管理行銷實務,讓“異流油畫”作品走入人們的心中。   


    自幼庭承家訓及美學概念,打從父親以舊修舊的工法,整建曾祖父的古厝,從事田耕,再轉行建築事業,都可看到吾父堅持美學;母親手藝輕巧,裁縫製衣、穿著配飾、 講究家居佈置協調,更考究美食文化。諸此種種,形塑出作者凡事,都縈繞著以人為本,用美為核心概念,來豐富需求,充實自己的生命。因之,美的概念對我而言,難論是天生或是養成,總覺得,美就是力量,個人認為美的力量足以豐富生命,創造和諧,是社會進步的泉源,更是人類和平的表徴。


    華夏為本 創造Change


    有美國夢,中國也提出中國夢,其實夢想是一種希望,而畫家也應該有夢,以個人而言,創作的“夢”就是change,要改變畫技、畫法與畫材。台灣藝術研究院士、國立台師大教授陳銀輝說,繪畫不求“形象”,而在表現“意境”,繪畫者無意境,則無“生命”可言。宋代畫家沈括也說:書畫之妙,當以神會,難可以形器求之。綜此,繪畫應貫注於“傳神”。再參諸,台灣藝術研究院院士、台灣國展畫評會主席詹浮雲老師之厚愛,他究其一生,獨授富男作畫十項要窺:構圖之安定性、主色與補色之關係、型與色之變化、畫面動感與破調之處理、構面之對稱與均衡、反逆之表現、賓主互動與空間處理之關係、畫面張力之造型與延伸、質感量感之要素、色彩對比與畫面連絡之關係,均謹記心頭。 評我者師.日求精進


2014.07.10於高雄 (林富男系台灣藝術研究院院長)



  Construction to civil Engineering, scientific method to material engineering, division of labor to business administration, ethic to sociology and justice to political science is the subject that the author is devoted into. Dealing with life with the painting brush seems accidental, but not consequential. During learning how to paint, the painter empties himself to give himself a refill of various theories and absorb masters’ comments. Based on the mechanics of civil engineering, stability and extension of constructing a blueprint and principles of material science, the painter gives the oil painting a new life with a combination of traditional raw material of oil painting and modern Nano mineral material, and “unique oil painting” with marketing strategies.

  In his childhood, he was educated family discipline and aesthetic concepts. His father dealt with architectural career before engaging in farming and his mother was good at sewing, furnishing and cooking, from which he has learned to behave subject to the human orientation and aesthetic center. Consequently the concept of beauty to him is a kind of power, not matter it is born with or not, which is strong enough to enrich the life itself, to create harmony, to be the resource of social progress and to act as a symbol of peace.

  The spirit of his oil painting, Distinguishing Trend, is “fluid and floating”, of which manner is not as regular as of traditional. He has started painting since June of 2010, and has collected the Chinese and western paintings for three decades. During these ten years, he has held Taiwan National Exhibition. His works display scenery of fluid and floating. The famous painter of Northern Song Dynasty, Guo, Xi focus “The real mountain and water landscape of the valley, in the far distance emphasis on the power, in closer look pay attention to the quality…in macro vision notice the greater one; in microscopic take quality”. Please review his works subtly, “fluid and floating” image can be perceived on the composition of the painting. With the aesthetical factor, he loves nature in painting and emphasizes mechanics and abundance of painting skills. He paints confidently and his paintings are not only bright but blend with color. Therefore, his works are revealed smoothly and naturally. The painter lives in southern Taiwan that the sun illuminates every corner of the vigorous and greenish land. Thus, he is fond of putting natural Nano mineral and few metals, such as blue, green, red and orange colors. Also he adds adequate natural pearl to mix semi-transparent color. This application is worshipped by Professor, Guo, Hai-hu when he studied for master degree in Institute of Materials Science and Engineering, National Sun Yat-Sen Univesity in 1982. By this occasion, the painter extended gratitude to the exhibition invitation of Liu, Suan-yung, the curator of National Changhua Living Art Center, and entitled “Unique Oil Painting” to present personal exhibition. We can see from his different multi-layer skills, including paint, paste, spray, dye, exploration, and halo to present basic theory which is different from traditional oil painting and create unique style “fluid and floating”. Master Lin, Yu-tang said “the most meaningful part in art works is personality beyond skills.”

  Scholars said: “What above form is called Tao; what within form is called material. Metaphysician performance and learn by Tao. Physical personal, behavior and shaped by rules and methods.” The painter introspects to require himself to use macro spirit to create unique works. Master Paul Cézanne said “Painting does not mean duplicate reality blindly”. Therefore, the painter endeavors to maintain ancestors’ wisdom and combines traditional culture to escape the frames of tradition. This is inborn human nature to challenge to become splendid. The painter applies Material Science on traditional oil painting by different techniques to show multi-layered mechanism. He used innovative painting skills, for example, exploration on upper atmosphere to express “fluid and floating”. These skills were mixed by Chinese culture and western history to present “fluid and floating” idealism on works with oriental spirit and western techniques. He expects to realize real extraordinary metaphysical arts to present the real ‘creation”.

There is American dream in America; there is also Chinese dream in China, actually dream is a kind of hope. And the painter should also have dreams. For the painter, dream of creation is “change”. We should change skills, methods and materials on painting. Professor of the academic of Taiwan Research Institute of Art and Professor of National Taiwan Normal University, Chen, Yin-Hui said painting is no only to show the “image”, but “artistic conception”. Without it, there is no “life” of the painting. The painter Shen, Kua said “the wonderful painting should be focused on the artistic conception, not only evaluated the shape”. The painter is adored by Mr. Chan, Fu-Yun, Chairman of Taiwan National Exhibition who instructs him ten elements of painting: stability of composition, relationship of main and auxiliary colors, changes of modes and colors, handle with motion and broken tune, symmetry and balance of surface of painting, performance of inverse, relationship of interactive an space, modeling and extension of surface tension, main element of quality and quantity, and relationship between color contrast and picture connection. The painter always keeps in mind.

“Doing instead of talking” is the proverb to require himself. The painter is not only a high officer, a successful business man and also an outstanding artist. The painter is entitled as “Artist Entrepreneur”, “Creator of Beauty Power” “Cross-strait artist” and “Unique Oil Painter”. In addition, he was praised as body and soul of Songs by the media and other painters and that are shown in his works. He insisted on humility and dedication in his real life to enjoy simplicity. Buddhist Epigrams “As today passed, length of this life is thus reduced, just as fish in scant water, what enjoyment is there? One should practice diligently, as if to put out fire on one’s head…”. Henceforth, he will keep on painting continuously and consistently.

In Kaohsiung




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  • 2011 北京台灣映像特展-台灣館開幕展
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  • 台灣之美油畫特展-高雄捷運公司
  • 2013 國立彰化生活美學館邀請展
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  • 第16屆北京國際藝術博覽會個展
  • 高雄市文化中心展覽
  • 2014 第17屆北京國際藝術博覽會個展
  • 台灣新存在主義序曲-高雄市美術推廣傑人會聯展-國立海洋科技大學
  • 台灣新存在主義序曲~望春風-高雄市美術推廣傑人會聯展-高雄市文化中心
  • 藝協-戲古蛻今創作聯展-高雄市文化中心
  • 藝協-韻采交響曲-高雄市藝文團體理事長協會-國立雲林科技大學
  • 中國宏寶齋美術院邀請展
  • 國立彰化生活美學館邀請個展
  • 典藏
  • 「蓮花錦躍」,澳門國父紀念館典藏
  • 「Formosa」,中國兩岸客家文化研究院典藏
  • 「阿塱壹古道」,屏東縣政府文化處典藏